Here are a few videos and downloads you may find useful, from informative videos to trouble-shooting downloads.

This is always being added to with new videos and downloads, so come back soon, and if there’s something you want to see, let us know and we’ll see what we can do…

One of the ways we help operators keep their downtime to a minimum is by using a borescope when inspecting their engines.

How does this help? Watch Andy from Bartech ABZ explaining it here in this short video.

Waukesha Cylinder Head Erosion

The danger of not using correct additives in your coolant system.

Marine Engine Oval Con Rod Correction – How it’s done at Bartech

Here’s a quick video showing you how your connecting rods can be machined.

MTU 396 Overhaul Cylinder Head Pressure Testing

Our engineer Fraser explaining the process of pressure testing MTU 396 cylinder heads we have in as part of a complete engine overhaul.

How to set the fuel pump timing on an engine

It’s vital to make sure the optimum amount of fuel is delivered at the right time as part of the engine cycle.

If it isn’t right, you could see a loss of power, excess smoke, and other problems with your engine.

Here’s our engineer Will, setting the timing on an Iveco engine in-house.

Decrease in efficiency due to preheat system

Shown here in this video, where a Caterpillar 3516 DI-TA engine had a 67% drop in effectiveness due to issues with pre-heating.

Cylinder block pressure testing

Here is a quick video by one of our engineers explaining the process of cylinder block pressure testing. The engine being tested in the video is an Iveco 8281 SI 15 engine which is in for an overhaul here at Bartech.

Injector testing

Engineer Cris running through injector testing for the Iveco 8281 S engine which takes place at Bartech before overhaul to ascertain current condition.

Setting the timing

Here’s Cris running through setting the timing for the Iveco 8281 S engine which takes place at Bartech after overhaul.

Valve measuring

This video provides an explanation on the process of valve measuring. These cylinder heads are from a Paxman 12RPH engine.

Valve clearances

We recently overhauled a Cummins KT19 engine.

During the overhaul, we made this video showing the importance of checking the valve clearance…

Crankcase Inspection – Bearings

A short video on bearings being checked during a crankcase inspection…

Download the full Bartech health checklist to see what we include as standard.

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“We have a long term service agreement with Bartech so putting together the work scope was made easy as we have worked with them in the past and know how they work in a professional matter.

All the organisation and spares were taken care of by the project engineer, once this was ready Bartech and CNR had a conference call with the platform to discuss the scope and iron out any issues that may arise during the scope and controls were put in place to prevent issues arising.”

Alan Farquhar ~ CNR Ninian Central Platform

CNR – Full overhaul of Waukesha engine

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