“Please pass on my thanks to your team for the fantastic effort in getting this rearranged visit complete.
We had constraints on labour and lead time of equipment however all went seamlessly.
Please also pass this on to Matt and William and thank them for their workmanship whilst offshore, very much appreciated by all here at Fairfield.”
Martin Baxter ~ Fairfield Energy
How did working with Bartech benefit you / your company on this project?
“When a fault was found with the water cooler adaptor plate, a new part was sourced and sent out to the platform the following day. This meant the crane could be returned to service as planned and therefore no downtime experienced.”
What were you most impressed with working with Bartech?
“The technical knowledge and speed of sourcing the required part. The platform also commented positively on the work ethic of the engineer on the job.”
Steven Bain ~ EnerMech
“Well done, it is great to see the final “three for three, FYFP 1, De-Sup Station and CW valve” risk mitigations now delivered safely before year end.
Can I reinforce and recognise the drive, team work and clear communications during the last month especially.
This rounds off a very positive risk mitigation year for Team Hartlepool and the wider support provided via CTO and the Supply Chain with 22 oo 23 Key Deliverables completed and handed back to the operations teams.”
Bill Liu ~ EDF
How did working with Bartech benefit you / your company on this project?
“Bartech offered a speedy and effective response to an urgent repair required for our firewater pump clutch allowing wells operations to commence as planned.
Bartech were flexible to meet customer requirements, committing to weekend working to allow fast turnaround on component repair… significantly reducing turnaround time in comparison to OEM replacement option”
What were you most impressed with working with Bartech?
“Dedication to meeting requested delivery on an extremely tight turnaround.”
Natalie Jackson ~ Shell
“Bartech helped maintain & achieve our recovery plan in a safe manner & also implementing the improvements required to prevent similar incidents.
They were very adaptable to our urgent requirements and used all of their resources possible to expedite the safe return of P-7230 fire water pump.
Bartech exceeded our expectations during this intervention.”
TAQA Bratani
“One of the most impressive aspects Taqa found with Bartech was there response time.
A recovery plan to get P-7230 returned to service was quickly established and implemented. Bartech were extremely flexible and fully onboard with all of Taqa’s requirements.
Bartech meet and exceeded our expectations during this intervention.
We are hopeful that this level of service can be maintained & look forward to working with Bartech in the future.”
Pete Walker ~ Taqa Bratani