Dorman 6PTCR Single Skinned Fuel Pipes Designed & Manufactured

Read more on how we helped this client below and discover how we can help you too...


One of our offshore client’s Dorman 6PTCR engines had damaged Fuel Pipework, and they asked us if we could provide a solution. With our in-house manufacturing capabilities, this was a straight forward fix.


They sent us samples of the damaged pipework and, once we had taken the required measurements, we procured the necessary materials and manufactured like for like single skinned fuel pipe replacements.

Following manufacture, the pipes were pressure tested and inspected, before being shipped to the client with the relevant supporting certification of conformity and pressure testing.


Upon receipt of the new pipes, the client fitted them onto their Dorman 6PTCR and we have subsequently continued to work with them on both single and double skinned fuel pipes, along with other engine requirements as they arise.

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