Dismantle and inspect Locomotive Sulzer governor

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We were invited to carry out the dismantle and inspection of a Locomotive’s Sulzer governor and report any findings.

Upon arrival, the governor was visually inspected prior to dismantling. It was noted that the outside of the unit had previously been marked with the letters ‘U/S’, indicating this was unserviceable. It was also evident that the electric connecting block at one end of the unit had been broken.


Initial Inspection & Dismantling

Upon dismantling the governor, all internal components were inspected. The following faults were found during this process:

  • The locking nut on top of the control shaft retaining pin was missing
  • Some of the feedback levers had excessive wear and movement
  • There was excessive wear within the flyweight pins and their respective needle bearings
  • The serrated drive was extensively worn
  • Heavy carbon deposits were evident on a number of components


Further inspection of the main governor components also found various other signs of wear.

Once the dismantling process was complete, the castings were chemically cleaned in order to remove any paint and oil/carbon deposits. All of the piston bores were honed in order to remove the scoring marks and high spots.

Various items required for replacement were manufactured due to a lack of availability of spares.

The governor was then fully rebuilt using all new bearings and seals as per the standard overhaul procedure. New pins, needles, sleeve inserts and circlips were also used during the reassembly process.

Once the unit was rebuilt, this was tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and the engine data.

The item was then painted and made ready for despatch to the client.

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