Bartech Worldwide Support for your Critical Diesel Engines

What areas do Bartech support?

Knowledge Base


So, you’ve seen the two most asked questions we were asked at Seawork

1. What engines can Bartech help with?
2. Do Bartech only look after engines?

And last but not least, here’s the 3rd most asked question:

Q: What areas do you cover?

A: All of them!

Bartech Worldwide Support for your Critical Diesel Engines

Our Workshops

With workshops in Colchester and Aberdeen, you can send your engines, parts, turbochargers and other machinery and components to either, depending on which is more convenient for your operation.

Our Site Visits

For site visits, whether it’s onboard a vessel, a land-based genset, oil rig, dry dock, or another operation reliant on critical diesel engines, our field engineers will travel where needed.

Our Parts

Parts supply is also worldwide – wherever you are in the world, get in touch and we’ll do our very best to get you the part you need as swiftly as possible.

As well as all over the UK and North Sea, here are a few places we have carried out work:

  • Boston US
  • Angola
  • Seychelles
  • Oman
  • Portugal
  • Gibraltar
  • Canada
  • Tanzania
  • Rhodes
  • Malaysia

Though these are simple questions, the answers surprised many of the people we talked with at the exhibition.

I hope that these small insights into Bartech have helped answer any questions you have? If not, drop us a line and we’ll come back to you.

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