We’ve recently received two sets of critical CAT 3408 engine spares from an operator.
Their previous service company advised them that they were either unsalvageable or out of spec & would require repairing – at an eye-watering high cost.
Before taking this costly step, the operator decided to send the parts to us to inspect for a second opinion.
The parts arrived at Bartech completely stripped & on multiple pallets. A lot of the parts were in poor condition and covered in rust. One of the boxes was labelled as scrap!
On first glance, we would be inclined to agree that many parts were unsalvageable, but as we started the full thorough inspection of each component we found a lot of evidence to the contrary.
Our findings include:
• Cylinder liner bores repairable, either by boring and sleeving or by using Belzona
• Corrosion on the top deck doesn’t seem to be enough to cause an issue – there is light corrosion on the deck faces where the water transfer ferrules are seated, we have the option to bore out & fit inserts
• One camshaft that was pitted cleaned up with light polishing & can be reused pending full polish & MPI crack detection
Even with our engineers carrying out the rectification works required & sourcing the parts that do need replacing the operator has saved a huge amount bringing them to us.