A few OEM's supported by Bartech-1

Top Questions from Seawork 2023



Last week we attended the Seawork exhibition in Southampton with some colleagues.

It was Bartech’s first time exhibiting at Seawork, and we were unsure how we would be received and if it would be valuable to us, and more importantly to the operators we seek to help.

Well, after the many conversations we had with current and potential clients, it soon became clear that it was well worth attending and we wanted to share the top 3 questions we were asked time and time again during the show.

We’ll share the first one now:

Q: What engines can Bartech help with?

A: Bartech engineers have many years of experience working across sectors and can help with an extensive variety of OEMs including:

A few OEM's supported by Bartech-1

Caterpillar* | Cummins* | Detroit | Deutz | Dorman | MAN* | Mercedes | Mirrlees* | Mitsubishimtu* | Paxman | Scania* |Wartsila* | Waukesha

*OEM-trained engineers

So as you can see, if you have it, chances are high that we can support it.

If you have equipment from any of the above OEM or indeed, any other, and are looking to make your support work in your best interest, let us know, we would be happy to help.

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