Tips for getting your heavy diesel engines ready for Winterimage

Tips for getting your heavy diesel engines ready for Winter



What did you think of the video I shared last week showing the huge drop in engine temperature?

(The footage is still available here if you missed it).

Following the video, I was asked for advice on other ways to improve the reliability of engines when the weather conditions change.

As things in Europe get colder with the onset of winter, we thought it would be useful to share our top tips on getting your engine ready for winter:

• Make sure the oil is the correct spec for winter use – OEMs will specify the grade of oil suitable for their engines

• If you have a pre-heater, is it set correctly and is it functioning ok? This is especially important when engine OEMs specify a single grade oil rather than a multi-grade oil

• Check the mix of anti-freeze / glycol for the application – For most engines, a 50/50 mix is ideal for use in the UK/Europe

• Do you have wax inhibitor for the diesel?

• Change your maintenance regime in winter months, for example; run the engine longer every second time to evaporate any condensation which will naturally build up in the sump

• Use of an effective pre-heat system will also help reduce the amount of condensation that forms in the engine

If you need any help with this or want to share any of your experiences, email us or call +44 (0)1206 673101 and let me know.


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