Welcome to Daveed and Bartech Control Systems

Something new from Bartech



At Bartech, we’re always looking out for ways we can serve our customers even better.

And earlier this year, an opportunity to do just that came up.

The hugely experienced controls engineer Daveed El-Yahsar became available, and I called him without delay.


I know that not only is Daveed a hugely talented, trustworthy and brilliant controls engineer, who’d add instant value to what we do here at Bartech, but I also know that many of our customers could really benefit from help with their control systems.

So, as they say, the rest is history – Daveed is now heading up our brand new Bartech Control Systems business, drawing on the resources of Bartech, and the expertise of Daveed himself.

Welcome to Daveed and Bartech Control Systems

Click here to get more information on Bartech Control Systems, and if you want to talk anything through, drop Daveed an email at info@bartechcontrols.com or give him a call on +44 0330 133 5315.

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