Don't sellotape over the issue, do it right. Fix the real problem.

Starter Motor Failure



We have had a few problems to deal with after supplying an overseas Navy with a starter motor which isn’t performing its function, namely starting the engine!

When it comes to our responsibilities and due diligence, we take things very seriously, so as soon as the starter motor came back to our workshop we carried out a full investigation.
As you’d expect, the Navy are very keen to get their motor repaired and sent back, but we don’t want to do that just that.


Because we’ve inspected and investigated it thoroughly and the damage has been caused TO the motor and not as a material or assembly problem.

We could just overhaul it and return it.

But if we do that, then the chances are the starter motor will just fail again.
We won’t have dealt with the root cause of the problem.

Having seen a video from the vessel, it looks like there is a problem with the starter ring or flywheel which is stopping the starter motor pinion after it has been engaged for a few seconds.

So working with the customer we’ll get to the bottom of the issue, and we’ll solve it.

It might take more time, but there isn’t an alternative – papering over the cracks doesn’t serve anyone well in the long run, and our ultimate aim is to ensure that you can have confidence and reliability in your engines.

You can’t do that if you just sellotape over problems, so that’ll never be our approach.

Would you go for the “quick fix” or the real solution?

If you have any issues you’d like help or advice on, please call us on 06 791552 or drop us an email at and we will be happy to assist.

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