IMO Tier III – 2021



Well here we are at the start of another year, and another lockdown, but as far as we can within guidelines, it’ll still be business as usual here at Bartech.

With the new IMO Tier 3 regulations coming into play from the 1st January 2021, we wanted to reach out in case you need any help or advice on ensuring your critical diesel engines meet this requirement. 

Whilst this standard applies to marine applications, reduction in emissions is affecting all applications. 

Here is a summary of the rulings: 

• Any new commercial vessel with an engine power greater than 130kw will need to be compliant with IMO Tier 111

• New pleasure boats registered as charter craft (revenue earning) over 130kw will need to be compliant to IMO Tier 111

• Re powers, if the vessel is being re-powered like for like, or if the fitting of SCR* will adversely affect the structure or stability of the vessel some exemptions can be made to fit Tier 11 engines

• Currently, vessels built and tested in the designated ECO areas which are North sea and English Channel will need IMO Tier 111 compliant engines, currently boats tested and operated outside of these areas can be fitted with Tier 11 product. We would expect that ‘loophole’ to be closed quickly

• If a proprietary SCR is fitted, then the testing and issue of EIAPP certificates will need to be completed off the boat. Any EIAPP certificate is serial number reliant and is shown as tested, so if it is tested without SCR and issued with an EIAPP certificate it will be shown as a Tier 11 engine

* We have previously written about SCRs, click here to view for more information.

As MAN high speed, Moteurs Baudouin and MTU dealers, we are in a good position to help if your engines need updating or replacing to meet the requirements.

Whatever make of engine you have, we can offer you a survey to assess if your engine can be adapted to bring it in line with the new regs or if a replacement will be required.

So, if you are unsure if you are up to spec, we will see to it that you have the outcome you need at the lowest possible cost, with the fastest turnaround time.

Just contact us and we will get you booked in.

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