Adapted Woodward Governor

Governor Adaptation



We wanted to share a recent Governor success story from our team that might interest you.

A client asked if we could change a Woodward governor to an alternative specification for a different application.

Why? These governors have now been made obsolete by Woodward with the supersession being a fully electronic programmable governor that’s almost universal.

Here’s what we did: The governor came to us as a Woodward 8540-490, and after our changes, the governor is now an up-to-date and spec A8540 856.

Adapted Woodward Governor

What are the differences?


  • Pneumatic speed settings
  • Lube oil shutdown
  • Energised to start solenoid


  • Manual speed governor
  • Fuel limitation

The result? The operator now has a fully working governor they can rely on, with minimised downtime and a full 12-month warranty.

Just because a part is obsolete doesn’t mean we can’t provide a solution.

If you’re facing similar issues, please get in touch. We’d love to help.

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