Generator failureimage

Generator failure



Just the other week we felt the pain caused when backup generators are called into action but fail!

When our internet provider’s generators failed, Bartech (and I’m sure many more of their clients) were without online access for the whole day, and as we are more reliant than ever on remote working, our effectiveness suffered.

Now some of us were able to use our phones to deal with urgent emails etc but this is not a situation you want to be in, and certainly one you don’t want people who rely on your services to be affected by.

Bartech does not look after their generators and therefore I don’t know the history of the engines or what had caused the failure, but you can be sure that with the right maintenance programme and engineers on call, downtime can be avoided at best and minimised at worse.

And keeping generator reliability in mind, only last week, we had a call for an urgent fix Tuesday afternoon, concerning a hotel’s Deutz BF6M1013E standby generator.

The mounting plate for the ABB TPS50 turbocharger needed repair as the studs had sheared off inside the plate.

ABB TPS50 Turbocharger mounting plate

We received the plate Wednesday morning and Ed got to work straight away, drilling the sheared bolts out before heli-coiling to renew the thread to OEM specification and replacing the studs.

The plate was collected from us Wednesday evening before the close of business, ready for reinstall.

This was a great 1-day turnaround for the client, but these sorts of timeframes cannot be guaranteed in every situation, so if you have any concerns over the maintenance programme, condition or reliability of your standby generators, email us or call +44 (0)1206 673101.

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