Did you find last week’s email on wet stacking helpful?
It seems that plenty of UK operators did – we’ve had a lot of interest in our engineers visiting sites to carry out free engine surveys, in order to help people understand if their engines are presenting with wet stacking, rather than just an oil leak.
These free surveys will enable us to assess the situation, provide advice and if required, a rectification plan.
If you’d like one, just complete the form below and we’ll be happy to get a date in the diary.
If you are UK* based and have any engine concerns, not just regarding wet stacking, such as the performance, your current maintenance schedule or the reliability of your engine/s, use the form below to book an engineer to visit and survey your engines, completely free, with no obligation.
*Unfortunately we cannot offer these free surveys to oil and gas platforms. We can however provide initial technical assistance via email or telephone if required.
Contact Bartech