Engineers' Resource

Engineer’s Resource



Back in 2016, we made a fresh commitment here at Bartech Marine – we wanted to share as much of our expertise as we could, to engineers all around the world.

And that’s when we started sending out our emails, providing free content on all manner of issues related to engine performance, reduction of downtime, improvement of safety and many more topics.

It’s fair to say that it’s been a worthwhile exercise – we regularly get feedback from engineers who’ve benefitted from the content we put together, and that’s really important to us.

As we started to get more and more positive feedback, we made the decision to group some of our most popular and useful content together into one, singular source of information.

We call it the ‘Diesel Engineer’s Resource’, and for the first time, we’re providing physical copies of this resource, absolutely free at Offshore Europe.

Engineer's resource

If you’re coming, make sure you pop along to stand 1G60 and we’ll get you your free copy.

Visit Bartech at Offshore Europe 2019

If you would like to arrange a meeting during the show, send an email to or call +44 (0)1206 673101.

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Engineer Resource Vol. 2 is now out for FREE download. Get your copy now!

A collection of articles to help you improve engine reliability, performance and safety specifically for engineers, brought to you by Bartech Marine. Simply enter your email below to get instant access.

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