Engine Competence Updateimage

Engine Competence Update



As a company intent on finding the right technical solutions to our customers, we have been utilising our diesel engine expertise to help clients find the right solution for them.

Over the last 2 months this has included the following projects:

  • Source, overhaul and install Mitsubishi S16N fire pump engine used offshore
  • Alignment and commissioning of Caterpillar 3412 engine
  • Breakdown response to Mirrlees ETSL8 standby generator
  • Major overhaul of Ruston 12RKC main generator

These projects are in addition to our normal MTU, Paxman and Dorman support which continue to be busy……. It’s a good job we have a new engineer and parts controller starting today!

To discuss your requirements and find out how we can support you, email us at info@bartechmarine.com or give us a call on 06 791552 now.

Heres our before and after on the Mitsubishi S16N engine!

Mitsubishi S16N before and after Bartech overhaul

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