Pipe work and engine nearly finished 2

Emergency on the port engine

Knowledge Base


Last week I mentioned the parts issue that a marine operator had when their Cummins KT19M portside engine had a failure.

If you missed it, click here to see what the problem was, and how we helped.

Their main issue was getting the right part, having been let down by their usual supplier, but unfortunately, the issues didn’t end there – their usual service provider let them down too.

Fortunately, we were able to step in and help.

With all the information in hand, our engineers attended the vessel over Christmas at Liverpool docks; the engine had suffered failure due to piston/liner cooling tubes failing.

The extent of the damage found by previous engineers led to the engine being dismantled to a bare engine block.

We cleaned and inspected the engine and its components and, during the rebuild, replaced the following:

  • Crankshaft
  • Cylinder liners
  • Camshaft bearings, seals & gaskets
  • Connecting rods
  • Big end shells
  • Lower shells in conrod caps
  • Cylinder heads
  • O-rings & gaskets
  • Injectors
  • Injector connection pieces
  • Turbocharger
  • Oil filters

During this process, we noted that the piston cooling nozzles had sustained serious damage which would have contributed to the engine requiring the overhaul. It was also reported that there had been foreign material found in the cooling nozzles.

We tested the engine after rebuilding, and the engine is now back up and running perfectly, however, we strongly recommend that the piston/liner cooling tubes should be replaced immediately on the Starboard ME to prevent the same failure.

If you need any assistance with a rebuild, inspection or advice on an issue you may be having, get in touch, we’d be happy to help.

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