Cat 3516 cylinder head inspection

Don’t replace those cylinder heads

Engine Maintenance


We’re currently working with an operator and carrying out top-end overhauls on three of their land-based temporary power supply generator engines.

Before working with us, they’d originally contacted the engine provider and were told that all 20 cylinder heads would need replacing.

The cost for the works (including replacing the cylinders heads)?

Over £45,000.

Given the huge cost and knowing of our background, they got in touch to see if we could help.

The good news?

We can.

We have extensive experience when it comes to repairs and machining, and can ensure the heads are brought back to spec, pressure tested and ready to go at a fraction of the cost and time of replacing them.

As with all of our work, it’ll come with our 12-month warranty attached, so the operator can be assured of the quality of our work and the reliability of the engines.

Just one phone call and a few emails later, this operator has:

  • Saved themselves over 50% in cost
  • Dramatically reduced the downtime of the work scope (due to lead time for new cylinder heads)
  • Ensured only necessary components are replaced

My point here is simple:

Make sure you’re questioning the engine provider and ensuring you get the best possible outcome, both for your engines, and your balance sheet.

Are you regularly checking what your engine provider says and comparing it to getting the work done elsewhere?

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