Bartech Support Capabilites-1

Do Bartech only look after engines?

Knowledge Base


A few days ago I dropped you a note covering the answer to our most asked question at Seawork, and as promised, here’s the second most asked question we had:

Q: Do Bartech only look after engines?

A: Not even close!

From way back when we first started in 1987, Bartech has always been focused on providing the complete solution for critical diesel engines, and over the years, we’ve continued to develop and add to our services. Currently, we are pleased to offer our expertise for your engines, as well as all aspects of the following:

Over the years, we’ve also introduced sister companies:

  1. Bartech Propulsion offers complete propulsion system support
  2. Bartech Turbos provides comprehensive Turbocharger solutions
  3. Bartech Parts Supply – with an extensive network of suppliers and fast delivery

We are confident we can help with any attention your operation would require, from governor to gearbox, pre-heating system to the propellor.

Bartech Support Capabilites-1

Hopefully, everything’s running smoothly at present for you, but if not, get in touch and we’ll get use our wide network and vast expertise to help you with whatever you need.

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