Classification Inspection

Classification inspection

Investigation & Rectification


Our project engineer Charlie recently attended a workboat.

The aim?

To carry out shutdown testing as part of the vessel’s Bureau Veritas inspection.

Using a dummy sensor in place of each engine sensor to feed a false signal to the engine ECU and simulate an issue with the coolant temperature or oil pressure, the following alarms were tested:

  • Low oil pressure – this should result in an engine shutdown
  • High coolant temperature – this should result in an engine power reduction

MTU 12V2000M72 BV shutdown testing(2)

Both systems worked as they should with no issues found.

The vessel passed inspection and the vessel’s engineering manager emailed us once they had received our report:

“Many thanks for the report and the great service.”

If you have any upcoming inspections due and would like us to perform the tests or get your engines ready, let us know, we’d be happy to help.

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